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Spoiler alert: We are all a hot mess.  We all have a past that haunts us and a future that scares us.  We all have those voices in our head that we just can’t seem to quiet.  We all have our insecurities, doubts, and mental health challenges.  We are all trying to figure out how to be healthier physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Hi, I’m Lora, and I am on this journey with you.  It’s hard to pinpoint exactly when I hit rock bottom, as it felt more like a slow painful erosion of my mind and spirit to a place where I almost didn’t even recognize myself. 

Maybe it was the drinking, maybe it was the anxiety and depression, maybe it was simply the fact that I was going through the motions and finally woke up one day and just thought “WTF am I doing with my life?”.  March 2nd 2019 was the last day I had a drop of alcohol, and March 3rd 2019 was the day I decided to start taking my life and my power back.

Through the past few years of massive growth and transformation, I have doubled down on personal development, self-care, and self-awareness. 

I began to question everything.  The answers would sometimes surprise me and bring up emotions and feelings I didn’t know I had buried in my subconscious.  Why did I want to drink?  Why did I overeat?  What was I trying to cope with? Why was I feeling sad/hurt/lonely?  What are my triggers?  Why are those triggers for me?  What lies am I listening to and believing about myself?  Where are those truly coming from?  What is my true identity? It was almost as if everything
had to be stripped away from me before I could rebuild my sense of self and my lifestyle from scratch.

For anyone feeling stuck, exhausted, or maybe at your rock bottom - I want you to hear a few things loud and clear.  I see you.  I feel you.  I know what it’s like to feel lost, hopeless, and almost numb to it all.  You are not alone.  And you can move forward.

I am passionate about breaking the mold and shattering this “perfection” myth perpetuated by social media.  Some of the most “put together” and “happy” people on social are absolutely miserable in real life.  I see it happen time and time again.  So rather than idolizing something that doesn’t even exist, let’s pull back the veil and start connecting on an authentic level.  Let’s start being humans again – Treating each other with empathy, grace, and real support that we all need now more than ever.

I’m here to be your cheerleader, your tough love, and your partner in this thing called life.  My only ask in return, is that you go out into the world and magnify that energy.  I am a firm believer in the ripple effect, and I am merely a little pebble breaking the surface.


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